3730 Clarkston Rd.
Clarkston, MI 48348
+1 248.860.0158
PGP Public Key
3730 Clarkston Rd., Clarkston, MI 48348 | +1 248.860.0158 | me@bryanculver.com
Director of Product Engineering specializing in enterprise-scale software projects, with extensive experience in network automation, cloud-native applications, and secure virtualized infrastructures. A leadership philosophy consisting of empathy, empowerment, and agency via routine 1:1s, feedback-driven reviews, as well as routine anonymous retrospectives and skip-level meetings. Leader of multiple large and small teams to deliver on a variety of engagements including network automation, rapid-prototyping, B2C shopping experiences, multi-cloud applications, and secure virtualized infrastructures. Expert in practices, languages by trade.
Team Lead, Product Management, Agile Methodologies, Technical Mentoring, Client Relations, Founder Experience, Fractional CTO, Startup Consulting, Jira, Confluence, Miro, Zenhub
Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, Kotlin, Rust, React, Swift, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, OpenShift, Ansible, Terraform, Puppet, Chef, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Redis, SQLite
Performance and Cost Optimizations, Establishing and Improving Service Metrics (SLO, SLA, etc.), Fraud Mitigation and Compliance Enforcement
Issued Feb 2021, Verification Upon Request